Therapeutic Alliance

About the Company

Therapeutic Alliance Suites was created to bring together multiple clinical and professional industries in search of better wellness and therapy office space rentals in NYC.


New York City, New York


Real Estate, Healthcare

Services Provided

Content Writing
Website Design

About Therapeutic Alliance Suites

Therapeutic Alliance Suites works hard to simplify psychotherapy office rentals, all while focusing on professional development, community, collaboration, excellent amenities, and refreshing designs within their rental spaces. Additionally, they are a family-owned business with years of experience across the real-estate, psychology, and wellness industries.

They are dedicated to supporting WBE, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, all ages, genders, and those with disabilities. Their background embraces the arts and international cultural competency, and their values impact every aspect of the company.

The Problem

Therapeutic Alliance Suites’ former website was built through WordPress on a one-page template and they felt it didn’t reflect the image they wanted to market to their clients. Having a one-page website limited the amount of information they could provide their clients. Plus, they wanted a fresh look for their website that visually communicated the nature and core values of their business.

Project Goals

TAS invested in professional photoshoots to showcase their many spaces available for rent; the JSL team agreed these should be the focal point of their new website. We set a goal to create an updated design that was modern, sophisticated, and user friendly, all while prioritizing the usage of high-quality images.

The Process

TAS had a clear vision of how they wanted the overall design to look, which made choosing color schemes and fonts easy, and allowed us to begin the design phase quickly. The web design featured subtle and soothing tones inspired by the spaces in the professional pictures. This then allowed us to cohesively integrate the photos throughout the website, along with custom illustrations of the buildings featured on each page. We re-structured the “Our Spaces” page to include three different image galleries, virtual tour links, and pricing tables in an organized and easy-to-follow sequence.

The Results

Our design and development team worked closely to ensure all client requests were always in mind during each step of the process. Together we built a sleek 5-page website that perfectly illustrated the brand’s core values and aesthetic.

Are you looking to revamp your website? JSL is here to help every step of the way. Contact us today for a free consultation at 855.869.476.

JSL Marketing Team member working on the terrace

Ready to Start Your Own Project?

We Are Ready and Waiting to Update, Polish, and Shine Your Website!

We love a challenge and making the digital world more functional and beautiful.

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