Five To Ten

About the Company

FivetoTen is a Dallas-based startup that works to help organizations fund themselves or donate to a good cause through the collection of unused electronics.


Dallas, Texas


Nonprofit, Social Awareness, Startup

Services Provided

Content Writing
Website Design
Social Media Marketing

The Problem

Creating a company is no easy task. Creating a company with a unique business model is an especially daunting one. FivetoTen faced all the evergreen startup obstacles that many young businesses face, but they also had another challenge that made all of the others more difficult: the simple fact that their existing website was just not up to par and was actively harming their business.

FivetoTen knew they had some issues to address, and they wisely decided to prioritize their digital marketing in order to properly manage their brand and marketing. However, all that marketing acumen took time and marketing expertise, two things that the FivetoTen team just couldn’t spare. That’s when JSL Marketing & Web Design entered the story…

The Process

FivetoTen’s previous site lacked color, didn’t make navigation easy for the user, and didn’t easily communicate what the startup did. To add to that, the JSL Marketing & Web Design team’s standards for web building are higher than most designers and the new design/website would have to be built to these specifications. We pride ourselves on only incorporating the latest and greatest practices in search engine optimization, UX design, HTML coding, and cybersecurity in order to take our custom websites where they need
to be.

The Website

FivetoTen had a number of glaring pain points that needed to be addressed and we molded our project goals to align with these pain points.


FivetoTen had a unique model and one that needed to be described properly to consumers. To remedy that, we needed to supply crisp, compelling and custom-written content for FivetoTen’s pages to educate leads on their business, mission, and process. We also drafted up a content marketing strategy, centered around a series of blog titles, that would draw search engine users to the FivetoTen website and showcase the site to search engines simultaneously.

Graphic Design

The quality of their web site’s graphic design was seriously lacking. FivetoTen mentioned at the beginning of our website build that they really wanted a colorful and vibrant site with a lot of graphics. We listened to FivetoTen and collected information on their preferences in style, color, and layout to reflect the uniqueness of their brand and messaging. We worked with FivetoTen to develop the crisp, clean, yet fun website design they’d always wanted!

SEO Strategy

FivetoTen’s “million-dollar startup idea” was a great brainstorm, but it wasn’t an intuitive idea. (That’s what made it a great startup idea!) Since search engine users weren’t likely to be searching for electronics drive fundraisers, we needed to bring them to the site using other keywords that were relevant to FivetoTen’s industry. That meant creating blog titles centered around the keywords search engine users WERE looking for.

The Result

Every marketing campaign will look a little different, depending on the goals, backstory, industry, and strategic positioning of the client. The main goal of any web design is to increase traffic and make the online business a success. We loved seeing the increased awareness and visibility that Five to Ten’s website gave them, as well as their own enjoyment of having a website that truly embodied who they were, what they were about, and what they could do. While that success was great to see, FivetoTen wasn’t a one-off story.

Five To Ten mobile mockup
Five To Ten website page
Five To Ten website design project on a mobile device
Five To Ten web page
Five To Ten website design mockup
Five To Ten image placeholder
JSL Marketing Team member working on the terrace

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We Are Ready and Waiting to Update, Polish, and Shine Your Website!

We love a challenge and making the digital world more functional and beautiful.

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