The True Value of a Custom Website (Is It All Just Hype?)

Websites, web design, and coding are essentially all different languages, so it’s no surprise that custom websites can be quite a bit pricier than a template or ‘drag-&-drop’ site. But is it worth it? Is that beautiful, custom-designed website really worth the big bucks? Will it get your more traffic, more customers, and more sales? Or is it all just hype?

Let’s take a look at the data, the research, and the opinions of experts (yes, our expert design, marketing, and SEO teams included) to get to the bottom of the true value of a custom website, and the reasons you should have one (plus, the type of sites that might not actually need one).

Remember, Cheap is Expensive

Nope, you read that right.

Sometimes, choosing that $30 website template and making your own site will end up costing you in the long run. What do we mean?

Customers judge your website graphic

Ouch. If you’re losing out on 94% of your potential customers because your templated drag-&-drop site is a drag-&-don’t, then your bargain website template is actually costing you big-time.

Custom Websites Are More Credible

Having a custom-designed website is a clear indicator that you take your business and your brand seriously. After all, the business world knows that you need to spend money in order to make money, and your website is no different.

Investing time (and money) into your website, brand, business model, and services are what set you apart from all the others in your field. And when you consider that your website is your first impression to many of your potential customers, it makes sense to make sure it’s a great one.

If a website looks poorly made, performs slowly or not at all, or looks the exact same as 50 other sites your customer has already seen, they will question the validity, quality, and credibility of your company, product or service. And in a time where being a thought-leader and showing your expertise and trustworthiness is paramount – you truly cannot afford to lose your credibility and your customers’ trust as soon as they see your site.

Determine the credibility of business graphic

Custom Websites Are Growth-Oriented

Custom websites can grow with you, which is (hopefully) one of the main goals for every business. This means you can add pages, sections, new features, forms, and more without any limitations or template fences holding you back.

Additionally, a custom website can change with your business – even if that change is in a new direction entirely. If you decide to pull away from certain services, and instead rebrand in a new area, you can do that with a simple redesign, or a few additions and cuts.

With a template, you are fixed within the outline that you bought. And that gives you very little wiggle room for the future.

Custom Websites Are SEO-Friendly

First, let us state that if you choose to go the custom website route then you have to make sure it is being optimized and that the designer knows what they are doing. A custom website without SEO is like a beautiful sports car with no gas tank – no one’s ever going to see it.

Custom sites should always be specially designed (optimized) to do better in search engine rankings, which is just another edge you will have over your competition with their cookie-cutter sites and poor optimization. But a custom website doesn’t just mean the user experience (ease of use) or user interface (appearance) is optimized – it also means the speed is, along with a whole slew of other SEO factors.

Expectations of web page load speed

By using a professional web design company like JSL Marketing & Web Design, you can get a fully optimized site that will engage and pull in your ideal customer – and keep them on the site.

Yes, even how long your website visitors stay on your site affects your SEO, by way of CTR or ‘click-through rate’. And do you know what affects your click-through rate? Your design, the ease of the user experience, your site speed, and your content – all of which can be delivered by a full-service SEO and web design agency.

Wow a guest with your marketing business graphic

Custom Websites Are Personalized

Just like it sounds, a custom design allows you to customize everything on your site to exactly how you want it, as well as more accurately target the audience and demographic you are marketing to. The control that a custom website gives in functionality, targeting, and branding, as well as user experience and user interface can make all the difference to your company.

Just look at what a simple Google Search pulls up in images when you search ‘custom website vs template’.

web design template options

Do you see how so many ‘template’ sites are shown with the header, larger text/photo section, and then the tri-section beneath? That’s a 1-1-3 and it looks pretty boring, doesn’t it?

Let’s take a closer look at the picture from Webfries:

Template website design vs. Custom website design graphic from Webfries

Which website would you rather go to? Another 1-1-3 site, or something with a clearly unique design that draws your eye, keeps you interested, and is SEO-friendly too?

We would hope that the choice is clear.

So, Who Doesn’t Need a Custom Website?

Here are a few times where a custom website isn’t necessary:

  • You are just starting out and do not have the money for a custom website
  • You are in an industry with little competition
  • You need your website to be up and ready in a matter of days
  • You want a simple site without design aspects, lead captures, forms, etc.
  • You really like the 1-1-3 style

What About Your Business? Are You One-of-a-Kind or Cookie-Cutter?

If you are interested or even just merely curious about the benefits of a custom-designed website, then get in contact with JSL Marketing & Web Design and see what our brilliant team of designers can come up with to improve or optimize your next website.

5 Features of a Truly Outstanding Web Design Agency

Your website is one of the most important aspects of your business, but then why do so many business owners think that merely having a website is enough? Paying ‘just anyone’ to make a website for you is doing yourself, your company, and your customers a great disservice, not to mention supporting sub-par web design agencies.

Instead, use the 5 characteristics below as a template and launching pad for what you should look for in your potential web design agency, and get the very best for your website. After all, a website is the first impression to a large percentage of your customers – make sure it’s a good one!

Whether you are an expert or new to the web design world, the below will help you meet potential web design agencies with confidence, so you can make the most informed decision and choose a company that is right for you.

A Strategic & Clear Process

Let us be clear here – if your potential web design agency doesn’t tell you point-blank what their process is, run the opposite direction and never look back.

In fact, if you feel that they aren’t clear, aren’t sure, or aren’t strategic, then you should still run in the opposite direction.

And if they aren’t honest, transparent, and open about their process – well, you know what to do.

Now, of course, we at JSL Marketing don’t want to toot our own horn (yes, we do) but all of our clients get not only clear verbal layouts of what our web design process looks like, but also this beautiful visual aid:

JSL Marketing Web Design Flow Diagram

It’s almost like we want you to be informed or something. Go figure.

Focusing on Your Story

Every company has a story, and that story is what sets you apart from the other 28,000,000 small businesses in the United States (or the other 18,500 large businesses).

Having a unique ‘why’ and story are some of the ways you can connect with your audience, or potential customers, and a way in which you can share your values, goals, and services.

Unfortunately, many web design agencies are more worried about your color scheme and branding than your story and motivation.

Now, don’t get us wrong, we love branding, visual designs, and consistent style as much as the next web design company, but we also know that there is so much more to a company than just font styles and founding dates.


This should be at the top of any list when you are trying to decide which company to work with. Whether you are looking for a roofer or a florist, a travel agent or a yoga studio, consistent, clear, and quick communication is paramount.

And web design agencies are no different.

In fact, communication might actually be even more important when it comes to design, as you need to be able to communicate your desires, and they need to be able to communicate their strategy as well as what they need from you.

Fault lines in communication are easily the largest aggravator when dealing with any kind of technology company – don’t let it happen to you.

UX & UI Design

Maybe you’ve heard these buzzwords, maybe not, but regardless – you need to know about them.

UX Design: this means user experience, which has to do with the functionality of your website. Make sure you ask your potential web design agency what they plan to design for the functions of the user experience. They should be able to talk about their competitor and customer analysis as well as content development.

UI Design: this means user interface, which is essentially how easy it is for your website-goers to use the functionality that has been implemented.

A great example is Apple and Samsung, they both create phones that function at the same level, however, the user interface for Apple is largely considered better, or, the ease of use is considered better, according to many users.

Make sure that your web design agency is well-versed in both the functionality and the ease of use that your new website will require in order to be successful.

SEO, Of Course

This should always go hand-in-hand with a new website or redesign, as a website built without SEO in mind is a website that won’t be successful.

You can have the most beautiful website in the world, but if it isn’t optimized to be found by search engines, then no one will see it.

That seems like a tragedy to us, which is why we are a full-service SEO, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, and Web Design agency.

But again, we aren’t trying to toot our own horn or anything.

Does Your Company Deserve a Better Website?

Well, yes, most likely it does.

But ultimately it is your decision if you want to keep your current website, start over from scratch, or find a solution somewhere in between, like a redesign.

But it is important to remember that a website in 2019 is like a business suit in 1980 – people will judge you, your company, and your ability based on it. So, make sure your suit is giving the right message, speaking to your target audience, and reflecting your brand.

If your website needs a little help (or a lot) then get in touch with our design team today, and check out our SEO, Content, and Digital Marketing add-ons while you’re perusing our own site.

We would love to learn more about your company and create the perfect website for it. And if you want to see our work before you commit, then check out our social channels where we often share the beautiful redesigns or full builds we complete for our clients.

We can’t wait to hear from you.

2019 Trends in Web Design

Trends in Web Design are an interesting beast, as we don’t want to always follow what is ‘on trend’ but we cannot ignore where styles and the future are moving either.

Web design is all about creativity, which often means running the opposite direction from what’s trendy. But some current trends are already showing themselves in 2019 – and we love them!

Sure, some have to do with user accessibility, while others deal with aesthetic appeal, but many deal with your specific company culture, your brand, and your business’ unique feel and ‘why’.

At JSL Marketing & Web Design, we are all about your ‘why’ and have been for years. So, we are happy that trends seem to be finally catching up with our values and views on uniqueness, creativity, clarity, and authenticity.


Read on to learn the best and brightest trends coming for web design in 2019!

The 7 Largest Trends for Web Design in 2019

New Videos, Graphics, & Illustrations

Need Video graphic

Videos have been climbing in popularity since 2016, but 3D graphics, ‘glitch’ videos, and creative illustrations are now joining video as a web design trio.

All of the above seem to be growing as companies and websites try to keep customers on their sites for longer with interesting graphics, videos, colors, and more.

Whether you are using video for a personal connection, information, advertisements, or humor, this trend seems to be here to stay – which is just what JSL Marketing & Web Design likes to see.

There is a certain beauty to using multiple mediums to reach your audience, and we don’t mean paper ads in conjunction with digital marketing, radio, and/or TV commercials.

We mean the multiple mediums of 2019: picture, video, social posts, content, culture, and more!

Stronger Branding & Brand Identity

Sprouting directly off of our ‘multiple mediums’ segue, branding and brand identity is more important in 2019 than ever before.

And developing a brand identity (and incorporating this into your website) doesn’t just mean using specific colors or fonts – though this can be important for recognizability. Brand development is about creating a certain look and feel for your website, with the ultimate goal of leaving that same impression in your customers’ minds when they think of your business.

Many companies are allocating funds to their branding in 2019, whether that is to become leaders in their industry or a company that has positive reviews and culture with their target audience.

It is becoming more and more apparent that a strong brand and brand identity is the cornerstone of a successful year.

Use of Industry-Specific Colors

Piggybacking off of branding is industry-specific colors.

Some industries are using more muted, subdued or pastel colors for their website redesigns, while others are using big, bold, bright colors to personify their brand.

But then what is the trend? Pastel or bright? Bold or subdued?

Well, that depends on your industry.

In general, it seems that creative companies, such as website designers, photographers, digital artists, videographers, fashion agencies, and the musically inclined, are using brighter colors to showcase their website.

On the flipside, many of the more traditional industries are softening their colors for a calmer, more serene new year.

This trend depends fully on your understanding of your industry and the direction you want to take it.

Consider a foray into color psychology if you are still deciding on your branding, colors, or website redesign style in 2019.

A Push for Improved Content & Writing

Digital Marketing Content Creation Graphic

When the JSL Marketing team heard about this trend, we were elated, as content is something we adore.

And not only do we love content and writing, we are always working to improve upon our content skills – both for clients and for those dreaded Google updates.

If the content on your website isn’t worth reading, then why is it there?

If your email marketing content isn’t interesting, then why are you sending it?

And if your blog content doesn’t teach, delight, or intrigue its readers, then why are you posting it?

Make sure your content – meaning every word on every page, blog, email, tweet, or text – is there for a reason, and is able to further nurture your company culture, brand, and ideals.

And delighting your customers while you are at it doesn’t hurt either.

This means you have a voice, you use humor as if you were speaking, you are authentic and friendly, positive and honest.

Let your content speak for you this year, and always improve upon it.

Need help with your content marketing or copywriting? Talk to our experts and learn how the power of words can help your business in 2019.

More White Space Than Ever Before

Yes, writing is important, but where the writing isn’t can be just as important from a design point of view.

White space is needed in order to not wear out the eyes of your reader, and Google likes it too. But the smaller ‘chunked’ paragraphs and short sentences aren’t going to cut it in the new year.

Instead, this new web design trend of 2019 pushes minimalism in many ways by incorporating fewer words on home pages and above the fold, giving websites a clean look that invites the customer in.

Sometimes what you don’t say can really matter, and white space plus minimalism is a great example of this.

This trend will not work for every website, and in its extreme, it can narrow your customer base quite a bit, as they still need information and want to feel like you are being authentic and honest with them.

Ultimately, this trend comes down to using your words – and white space – wisely.

Micro-Interactions & User-Controlled Changes

Maybe you think you don’t know what a micro-interaction is, but we bet you do, and we bet you’ve loved them.

Think of a website, perhaps a retailer, that shows different views or angles of a product or outfit when you hover over it.

Maybe a trail of color follows your mouse. Or maybe any items you hover over zooms or gains a new lighting or frame.

These are micro-interactions or user-controlled changes, and they add to the user experience. Not only can they be a fun way to enhance your brand image, they can add a little fun to your website and create more of an impact on its users.

Overlap Everything

Overlap All Content Graphic

If this seems the slightly eccentric cousin of minimalism, you aren’t wrong.

By overlapping tabs, backgrounds, pictures or styles, you can add visual interest to your website while still keeping it understandable with strong lines and stark contrasts.

This overlap-style works with pastels, bolds, monochromatic, black and white, or anything in between as well.

It is a great way to step into a bolder look without losing out on fun features, clarity, or content.

Ultimately, you are trying to make your website represent you, so consider all aspects of your brand, design style, and culture when you decide if you want to follow any of the above trends or let them lie where they may.

Join JSL Marketing & Web Design in the New Year. Let’s Make New Trends & Better Websites Together in 2019!

Did the above trends in web design spark your interest? Or have you been considering an upgraded website for years but don’t know where to start?

JSL Marketing & Web Design is a one-stop, all-encompassing, full-service web design company. And we can help you with your branding, marketing, content, SEO, website creation, and more.

So, if 2019 is going to be you and your company’s year, then contact JSL Marketing today and see how we can harness the very best of web design trends for your needs.