Why We Encourage Our Team to Work from Home (And Why You Should, Too)

Man working from home on a desktop computer

My startup has found huge success, but not just because it filled a gap in the Dallas market, or because we provided digital services better than the competition.

My business went from a two-person job to a million-dollar company in part because we decided to work smarter rather than harder – though there was a lot of hard work involved too.

And one of the ways we worked smarter was by encouraging our employees to work from home.

Sounds fake but ok graphic

Sound counterintuitive? Sound fake? It’s actually not – and there are a lot of reasons why it has worked for us.

And though working from home isn’t feasible in every industry, let’s see if I can show you that it does have a place in many modern-day businesses and is a great benefit for both you and your employees.

Satisfaction & Retention

Of course, this is a great starting point, as many younger generations like Millennials (which are currently the largest part of the workforce) prefer to work from home, have flexible schedules, and no commute.

Essentially, the happier your workers, the easier it will be to keep them. And the longer you keep your employees, the more value they give you and the less you have to spend on training and finding replacements.

Access to a Larger Hiring Pool

This is a great second point, as (hopefully) your company will be growing, and you will be hiring to match that growth. So, while you want to keep your current workforce, you also want to be adding new, quality individuals to your team.

If you offer flexible work schedules, work from home opportunities, or remote work positions, then you actually have a much larger potential hiring pool than if you only offer 9 to 5, in-office positions within your city.

Take my company for instance. JSL Marketing & Web Design has three team members in Michigan, even though we are a Texas-based company. And when two of those three team members joined us – they were living in Spain.

Why did we choose them instead of only searching in our local pool? Because they were good, hungry, and ready to grow with the company – even from overseas (or on the other side of America).

Lower Overhead = Better Profits

Time and time again, studies have shown that allowing your team to work from home is cheaper for your business.

But why?

The answer is actually two-fold.

First, you are able to forgo a larger office, or maybe any office at all if your team is fully remote. And second, often you end up paying less for your team, physical resources for the office, and a thousand other little expenses that pile up.

On a familiar scale, think of it like taking your team out for dinner vs them eating in their own home. Which is cheaper for you? Except (luckily) in this scenario – everyone wants to be eating at home instead of going out.

Flexible Schedules > Higher Salaries

This fits in with the above perfectly, as you can actually pay your team less (lowering your overhead) by letting them to work at home – and they’ll still be happy!

This is because your team won’t have to waste time commuting to work and will gain flexibility, which, for many, is worth taking a lower wage.

The draw of working from home is so strong, that almost all Millennials say they would prefer to work from home or gain another perk like flexible scheduling instead of getting a pay raise – over 89% actually!

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I love helping companies succeed. From business consulting to sales coaching, digital services to speaking engagements – I want to make your company a success and give you the tools you need to beat your competition.

Stay tuned, as JamesLeff.com is coming soon to tell you more about my brand, experience, and services.

7 Tips for Work-Life Balance When You Own Your Own Business (With Family)

Business man in Dallas reading the newspaper

Work-life balance is something you hear a lot about in our culture. Whether it be because working from home is becoming increasingly common, or because Americans tend to put work above all else, this balance is a delicate and difficult thing – especially when you own a startup with family.

Not only do you feel like you have to put in 16 hours a day 6 days a week due to starting your own business, but you also have the pressures of working and living with the same group, which can muddy the lines between work hours and ‘life’.

Let’s check out my top 7 tips for how I keep my sanity, relationship, and work healthy!

Play to Your Strengths

Everyone has strengths, and those strengths can help or hurt you depending on the situation. For example, one of my strengths is that I am very driven – this is great for being an entrepreneur but can be a weakness if I let it get out of control when it comes to family and life balance.

Understanding that your strengths are also your weaknesses, and then playing to the advantages (not the disadvantages) is important.

Plan Personal Time & Protect it

Here is where the ‘balance’ part of work-life balance comes in – you need to balance your work hours with your personal hours. This doesn’t mean you have to have 8 work hours and 8 personal hours, but it does mean you have to plan. This is unfortunate if scheduling isn’t your thing, but it’s still necessary.

Make sure you not only plan for personal time but protect it as well – just like you would your scheduled work hours. You wouldn’t skip a meeting with a client for the gym, so don’t skip scheduled family time for work emails either.

Priorities (in Work & in Life)

Make sure you know where your priorities are and communicate them with your family. That way – if they start to sway in the wrong direction, you have others who can hold you accountable as well.

My priorities are always family first, then work second, but sometimes when things get hectic this can be hard to remember. It is nice having another advocate for your priorities, in my case, my wife and co-founder of JSL Marketing & Web Design (she’s the ‘S’).

Have a Workspace

Even if you work from home as we do, make sure your entire home isn’t your office. You need a workspace both for productivities sake, but also so you can shut the door and be done with it after your work-hours are over.

If you have a ‘home office’ but its where you always handout, you need to reevaluate so that your work and your life have some separation, even in the same home.

Make Time for Health (Mental, Physical, & Emotional)

Your health (whether you work from home, in an office, or not at all) is important and should be treated so. Your mental health, physical health, and emotional health all need to be nourished and taken care of.

Making time for your health isn’t a wish, it’s a need. And the best work-life balance is one that gives you ample time for physical health, mental health, and to recharge your emotional might.

Make Work Hours & Stick to Them

Yes, just like with personal time and health, this has to deal with scheduling. I find it helpful to make a schedule each week and stick to it as close as possible. I don’t have a ‘master schedule’ for every week, as things often change in my line of work or things come up – but those are important to schedule for too!

Give yourself wiggle room and plan for the unexpected. For example, if you think a meeting will take 30 minutes, put it in your schedule for 45 minutes – that way you won’t feel pressured, but still be using your time efficiently.

Be Realistic in Your Goals, Time, & Needs

This feeds directly from your work hours and schedule above – make sure you give yourself adequate time to meet your deadlines, goals, and needs. There is no point in trying to cram too much in, then realizing you can’t meet the deadlines or goals you’ve set for yourself, getting overly stressed, overly worked, and letting your work hours bleed over into your family or health time.

Being realistic might sound easy, but when you are ambitious, you will often think things can be done faster or sooner than they really can. Make sure you temper your excitement and drive and bring in a healthy dose of skepticism.

Think that project will take 2 weeks? Maybe write it in for 3. Think you can grow by 10% this quarter? Maybe have scaled goals – saying that growth by 10% is an A, but growth by 8% is still a B+, and so on.

Having realistic goals is where many falter, because if you don’t reach for large goals – you aren’t doing all that you can for your business. But if you reach too far, then your family and work-life balance will suffer.

Make sure you take both pitfalls into consideration and communicate with your work (and family) to keep that teeter-totter as balanced as possible.

Are You Feeling Prepared to Win the Work-Life Battle?

It’s okay if you don’t always nail it, in fact, a big part of work-life balance is knowing that you won’t be perfect in either, and working with that, growing through that, and continuing to improve and try.

Sometimes, the work-life teeter-totter will get grounded, but that’s where you reevaluate, pick yourself back up, and try again.

If you find yourself needing help in business more than in life, then contact me to learn about my digital services, business consulting, sales coaching, or speaking engagements. I’d love to connect.

And stay tuned, my own site – JamesLeff.com – is launching soon! Check back in a week for my next article.