SEO Criteria – Over 200 Ranking Factors [Part 2]

We promised, and we always follow through on our promises! So, here is the shiny, new second-half of the JSL SEO Ranking Factors blog.

Remember we talked last time about:

  1. Page Speed
  2. Mobile Optimized
  3. Domain Authority
  4. Title Tags
  5. H1 Tags
  6. Content Length & Depth
  7. Duplicate Content
  8. Canonical Tag
  9. Secure Website
  10. RankBrain

But we also talked about how there are over 200 (probable) SEO ranking factors that the Big G uses in order to view, judge, and rank you?

Of course, having over 200 ranking factors jumbled around in your head won’t help your website, business, or mental health. So we broke it down into the top 20 (that’s 1/10th of the total ranking factors, for you non-math individuals) to make it a bit easier to break off and chew.

After all, if you follow the Google-rules in these 20 areas, your site will definitely see jumps in rankings. Because it isn’t #198 that’s tanking your website rankings, it’s most likely one (or more) of these top 20 SEO factors.

For this next installment, here are the main factors we will be zeroing in on:

  1. Business Information
  2. Image Optimization
  3. Fresh Content
  4. Outbound Links
  5. Inbound Links
  6. Anchor Text
  7. Internal Links
  8. URL
  9. Sitemap
  10. Domain History

Ready to learn SEO in nice, actionable, and understandable chunks? Let’s dive in!

And, of course as always, if something seems a little too much, a little too confusing or a little too time consuming, JSL is here to help every day, any time, for any reason. Reach out to us and see how easy we can make your ranking climb become (or, at least, we’ll make it look easy)!

1. Business Information

This is important because Google wants to see that you are consistent and, therefore, reliable. If you have your business information (name, address, phone) posted on your page (which you should) then you have to make sure it is consistent across all online platforms, sites, and lists.

For example, make sure your Google My Business profile is accurate and matches your website, just like your Yelp, Facebook Business Page, LinkedIn, BBB, etc.

Especially focusing on your NAP (name, address, phone) is important; not just for search engines, but also for the practical reason of making sure your customers can reach you or find you.

2. Image Optimization

Google cannot see your images, it instead reads them, and this means you have to have ‘Alt text’ for each of your images.

Alt-text is kind of like a caption, but it is only viewable ‘behind’ the picture, or ‘within’ it. This way Google can see it, understand it, and pull it for relevant image searches.

Additionally, alt text can be a great place for keywords, as it all is indexed, or read, by Google and can help boost your rankings. If you have a picture of one of your products on your home page, don’t just name it ‘IMG6782’, instead, set the alt text to be descriptive with keywords.

3. Fresh Content

Ah, fresh content, the bane of many small businesses. Fresh content means that Google wants to see that you didn’t just make a website because you ‘had to’ and then forgot about it, or let it just sit there.

Remember, everything in Google’s algorithm (SEO ranking factors) is meant to find which websites are ‘good’, and ‘good’ means updated and frequently fixed, shined, and used.

What is the best way to show both Google and your actual customers that your website is updated often and that you keep up with it? A blog. Yes, you will actually have to write new, original, thoughtful, and helpful content monthly at the very least (weekly if you can hack it) to inform your customers and impress Google.

Write about relevant items, news, services, products, etc. And make each post ‘optimized’ around a keyword or subject. Additionally, don’t write something that is just a block of text; write something that is helpful but also easy to read – like this beautiful blog, with a list format, lots of white space, and interest.

And for length? At least 600 words, and that’s still pretty sparse. JSL aims to thoroughly explain a topic, which means our blogs can be anywhere from 900 words to 3,000, which is basically a small eBook.

4. Outbound Links

Many people don’t understand the importance of outbound links, but we’ll break it down for you in a quick, simple way.

Multiple studies have shown that if you have a single outbound link per page (a link that goes to a different website) then you will be ranked higher than a page with no outbound links.


Because having a link to a different website, if its quality, is a sign that you are truly trying to inform your customers. If you only link to yourself, then you aren’t giving your customers the possibility to find better expertise elsewhere.

Now don’t go linking to your biggest competitor, but instead, if you are talking about your Mexican food restaurant, link to a well-known food blog, a recipe, or a Mexican history page (where relevant).

Just make sure your outbound link is going to an authoritative (trusted) and relevant site. No Wikipedia or spammy blogs.

5. Inbound Links

The opposite of an outbound link is an inbound link – and no, these aren’t the links you have on your website that connect one of your pages to another (that’s point #7). An inbound link is when another website links to you because you have great content.

To continue the previous example, if you are still a Mexican restaurant, and a well-known food blogger links to you, that is an inbound link – and a good one!

Just like you want to link to authoritative and relevant sites, so do others. And just like having your page link to them looks good, having them link to you looks very good.

6. Anchor Text

When a page links to you, they do so with some kind of text. Meaning if I am going to link to the JSL Marketing Page on Web Design, I’m going to do what I just did and label it so the potential clicker knows where that link will bring them.

That is called anchor text and you want it to be descriptive and hopefully include keywords or your branded name.

Having someone link to you saying ‘here’ is much less helpful from an SEO perspective than having them link to you saying ‘best Mexican restaurant in town’.

7. Internal Links

Ah, finally, the easiest of the links.

Internal links are the links you place within your own webpage that bring the user to a different of your own webpages.

Like when we talk about ‘contact us’ we obviously link to our own contact page.

Now, don’t go crazy and link everywhere to everything so no one can click on any word without being whisked away, but make sure to have relevant links that make sense and would enhance the user experience, connecting pages to others that they would likely go to next.

As an easy example, this ‘SEO Ranking Factors: Part Two’ blog will link multiple times to the ‘SEO Ranking Factors: Part One’ blog, because that’s just logical and a reader of this blog will most likely want to see the first half as well. However, linking to our holiday ‘thank you’ blog doesn’t really make sense, so I won’t do it.

8. URL

Your URLs can actually help your SEO too – but be careful, as Google doesn’t seem to like ‘exact matches’ but instead ‘similar URLs’.

This simply means that having your website URL be: JSL.Marketing/website-design is better than having it be JSL.Marketing/best-website-design-in-Dallas-TX for the keyword ‘best website design in Dallas TX’.

Sound counterintuitive? Think of it like this, Google wants your URL to be descriptive without being spammy, hence, similar but not exact matches to your keywords.

9. Sitemap

This is something you should have your developer do, as it’s simple, but technical.

Submit a sitemap to Google so it knows what you have, your structure, and something about your purpose. Want to learn how to submit a sitemap to Google? Then check out that link to Yoast’s website where they break it down for you.

(And yes, the above is the perfect example of how to use an outbound link to a non-competitor to give more value to your reader as well as how to use anchor text.)

10. Domain History

This one is a little like a credit score, as you cannot raise this specific section unless you have history.

Google likes to see that your website isn’t brand new, after all, which seems more trustworthy, a company that has been around for 6 years and has paid for their domain name for another 4, or a company that has a 3 month old website and only has it bought for another 3 months?

After all, what company only expects to be in business for 6 months? A scam, that’s what.

Google takes this idea and runs with it, so they will probably trust a 5-year old website more than a 2, and a 2 more than a brand new one.

Of course, every website started somewhere and that means that all websites were young at one point in their past. The best thing you can do is to buy your domain for a longer period of time to show Google you plan on sticking around.

Some studies have shown that 2-3 years is the magic number, though others say 5. We recommend buying your domain for at least one year, and then renewing it for more as you grow and are able.

Remember, Google is always watching (shudder).

Does All of This Sound Like a Lot? It Is! But JSL Loves SEO & Is Here to Help!

Contact JSL Marketing & Web Design and get your SEO right (without having to do any of the above on your own) by letting us handle it for you!

Search Engine Optimization – Over 200 Ranking Factors? [Part 1]

Surely, you’ve all heard it, the 200+ SEO ranking factor number that floats around in blogs, videos, and ‘how-to’ eBooks. And while we’re not disputing that Google’s algorithm is highly sophisticated (and complicated), we also think it’s important to let you know that not all 200+ of their SEO ranking factors are heavily weighted.

This means that some factors are very important…and some are just something to be aware of. For example, keywords in high-level areas of your page (title tags, H1s) are much more important in ranking you for that keyword than, say, keyword density in H2s and H3s.

But if there are so many factors, what should you be focusing on? And how can you wade through all the weak SEO ranking factors and focus on the heavy ones?

We’ve gotten these questions from clients before, which is why we are offering a two-part blog series on important ranking factors and what you can do on and off your page to help boost your SEO efforts!

Part One:

  1. Page Speed
  2. Mobile Optimized
  3. Domain Authority
  4. Title Tags
  5. H1 Tags
  6. Content Length & Depth
  7. Duplicate Content
  8. Canonical Tag
  9. Secure Website
  10. RankBrain

Part Two:

  1. Business Information
  2. Image Optimization
  3. Fresh Content
  4. Outbound Links
  5. Inbound Links
  6. Anchor Text
  7. Internal Links
  8. URL
  9. Sitemap
  10. Domain History

1. Page Speed

You know that page speed is important, especially with the connections most online consumers make between quality, security, and speed.

Ultimately, a slow website looks like a bad website, if your customers even wait for it to load (which they probably won’t).

Use Page Speed Insights to see how you stack up:

2. Domain Authority

Domain authority describes the relevance for a specific subject area or industry, so, if you talk about tacos on your page, have a wealth of knowledge about tacos, and have trusted websites that also specialize in tacos linking to you, your DA will probably be higher.

Moz has a good tool to learn about your domain authority, but their best features require a subscription.

3. Title Tags

Title tags tell users what your page will be about even before they get on it, as title tags can be seen from the search engine results page (SERPs). This means your title tag has to be relevant to the page, include keywords, have your branded name if possible, and stay within the length limits (under 60 characters).

We recommend using a style similar to:

20 SEO Ranking Factors That REALLY Matter | JSL Marketing

4. H1 Tags

H1 tags, or header 1 tags, are similar to the topmost title of an outline, so it is important that they are present and relevant to your page, content, and keywords.

Instead of having your homepage merely be labeled ‘Home’ as its H1, try having a service mentioned as well. For example, the JSL homepage’s H1 is:

Digital Marketing & Web Design That Converts

See how that is much better than ‘Home?’ After all, everyone knows it’s the home page, but instead we talk about what the page will cover, have keywords within the H1, and add interest.

5. Content Length & Depth

Content length is always up for debate, but the numbers don’t lie! Often, the pages that come up first on the SERPs are pages with more content length and depth. So, if you search for ‘SEO ranking factors’ you will find a list of 200 before you find a list with only 6.

Consider using the Content Analyzer or Writing Helper on SEMRush as they are great tools to help you see what the competition’s length is for certain keywords, as well as what direction you should go (casual, technical, etc.).

A little research goes a long way, but at the very least, home pages should have no less than 400 words (and 700-1,000 is best).

6. Duplicate Content

Duplicate content is a big red flag for Google, as it essentially looks like plagiarism or that you simply copied and pasted the same content onto multiple pages on your website. Even though Google wants to see in-depth content on each page, that doesn’t mean you can cheat and just write one page of great content and then use the same words on each page.

This is one of the reasons why content marketing is so important, and why having a good writer is valuable. Even if you are targeting similar words on different pages, you need to make sure the content is unique and helpful on both.

7. Canonical Tag

Sometimes you don’t have duplicate content, but the search engines still think you do if you don’t have a 301 redirect or canonical tag. This will tell Google that your page is the originator of the content, and that other variations of your URL are still the same page and the same site.

Otherwise, search engines might consider and as different websites – and then nail you with a ton of ‘duplicate content.’

8. Secure Website

Speaking of the above example ( vs. make sure your website is secure (with that https) as otherwise users and search engines won’t trust you.

Check out what Google Search Console has to say about secure websites and how to switch yours over easily and quickly:

9. RankBrain

RankBrain was a major update that helped Google’s algorithm learn what people mean when they type in a query that could mean multiple things. This is a huge step for machine learning, but also makes your website’s content all the more important.

One of the biggest areas that shifted due to RankBrain is the ‘one keyword per page’ idea. Instead, use keywords that are semantically related on the same page, like:

Web Design Dallas, SEO & Web Design, UI/UX Design in Dallas, Dallas Website Development, and Web Development Dallas.

If these are all targeted on the same page – guess what, Google can probably figure out that your page is on web design and SEO in the Dallas area, not property development and design services in Dallas.

10. Mobile-Friendly Website

This one is huge, really huge, because of the aptly named Google update – Mobilegeddon. As it sounds, it was all about making sure your website is optimized for mobile users, and if it isn’t, well – you probably took a huge dive a couple of years back.

And guess what – Google wants you to succeed in this area, which is why they made their very own ‘mobile-friendly test’ which can tell you how your website stacks up, why, and what you can do to improve it.

Stay Tuned for the Second Half of our SEO Ranking Factors Blog – Coming Soon!

And in the meantime, if narrowing down the 200+ SEO ranking factors to 20 still seems like a lot to handle, don’t worry! JSL Marketing & Web Design is here to help.

Our SEO team has brought our clients and ourselves to the top of the pile time and time again! Contact us today to learn more about SEO, our services, and our company.