Behind the Scenes: How to Create an SEO Strategy

How to Create an SEO Strategy

How to Create an SEO Strategy

Curious about how to create an SEO strategy for your business?

You’re not alone.

SEO – search engine optimization – is alive and well, and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.

But how exactly do you create an SEO strategy?

At JSL Marketing & Web Design, we specialize in creating targeted SEO strategies and campaigns that get real results for our clients. Here are just a few things that go into creating a successful campaign:

1. Research the Competition

The first step in creating an SEO strategy is to study the competition. Take a look at your industry competitors and see what they are doing. What are they ranking for? How are they engaging with your target audience? What channels are they using to communicate? The more information you can gather, the easier it will be to start developing a plan.

2. Compile a List of Keywords

Once you’ve finished your competitive research, start compiling a list of the keywords that you’d like to rank for in the search results. Once you have your initial list, use a tool like SEM Rush, Moz, or Google Keyword Planner to determine the search volume for the keywords you are thinking of targeting. Focus on the ones with the highest search volume.

3. Build Out a Site Structure

While you are working on creating that list of keywords you’d like to target, take a look at the overall structure of your site. If it’s a brand-new site you can start from scratch, but if it’s an existing site, take a minute to re-evaluate your menu structure, site hierarchy, and also your URL structure. Be sure that your site is organized in a user-friendly and SEO-friendly manner.

4. Develop a Content Plan

After you have your list of keywords finalized and your site structure created, it’s time to develop an initial content plan. Take a look at the different pages on your site and determine what pages would be best for targeting each specific keyword on your list. If there are some new keywords, you might consider creating a new page to target those specifically.

5. Create a Link Building Plan

Next, start thinking about ways you can build links back to your website. If you are a local business, try adding your site to local directories. Cold outreach to other site owners can also be an effective way to build links back to your site, as well as reaching out to other bloggers in your industry and searching for guest blogging opportunities.

6. Develop an Ongoing Blog Plan

One of the most important parts of any SEO strategy is creating regular content for your website via a blog. So, it’s best to start developing an ongoing blog plan as soon as possible – even while still in the initial SEO planning phase. Use some of the keywords you found in your research to develop topics that your readers will genuinely be interested in.

7. Keep Up with Latest Trends

Like anything in the digital marketing world, SEO is constantly changing, and it’s important that you continually adapt your SEO strategy to keep up with the changes. Make a point of reading the latest articles and blog posts from leaders in the SEO industry, and it’s always a good idea to keep up with the new changes and updates Google implements on a regular basis.

8. Monitor and Track Results

Creating the initial SEO strategy is one thing, but monitoring the results and making minor adjustments as you go is another. Both are important – it’s good to have a solid foundation to work from but the maintenance is just as important. You need to constantly be tracking and measuring your results in order to be successful and stay ahead of your competition.

In Conclusion…

If you’re looking to create an SEO strategy for your business, you’re in good hands. Whether you’re looking for consulting or hands-on assistance, our team at JSL Marketing & Web Design can help you develop the perfect SEO strategy. Give us a call at 817.470.5274 or fill out our contact form to see how we can help you today – we look forward to hearing from you!