4 Quick Tips For Excellent Copywriting

Copywriting is a great way to reach new customers, but it can be easier said than done. And many things can go wrong when you’re creating a new content marketing strategy. 

Writing for the web is very different from writing for a professor, and many excellent writers struggle to take their skills from the page to the digital screen. If you’re rolling out a new content schedule, you may find yourself disappointed with the results.

Luckily, you’ve come to the right place. The copywriters here at JSL Marketing & Web Design put their heads together and came up with these four tips to improve your copywriting performance.

Please note this isn’t an exhaustive list, and you may need more tailored recommendations, depending on your specific situation. However, if you have been writing new web content and have seen lackluster results, these may be a great first place to begin.

Without any further ado, here are our four tips to improve your copywriting!

Copywriting Tips To Drive Results

Don’t Neglect Visual Mediums

At first glance, this sounds like an odd recommendation for a copywriter. It’s not your job to create videos and graphics, right? Why should you worry about the visuals?

This is true, but you’d be surprised how much of an impact improving the aesthetic of your content can have. A few well-placed visuals or videos can break up the page for your reader and make it easier for them to skim the page. This also increases the odds that the reader will stay on the page and finish the content. After all, you’ve worked hard to write this piece for their consumption. Augmenting your content with visuals is a great first step to take before reexamining your content. 

This is also the time to inspect how your content can support your visuals! It doesn’t necessarily need to be solely content-supporting visuals! For instance, consider plugging a video of a product or satisfied customer within the copy of a blog. You can also use this to write your copy in a way that highlights and echoes what the customer will see in the enclosed video. This is a great way to support your videos, but too many copywriters don’t think of web design when they write. Connect those two dots to create a powerful impact on your customer for the best possible effect. 

Spend More Time Researching 

As copywriters, you’re likely used to laboring exhaustively over your copy. After all, why wouldn’t you want to perfect every syllable your user will see? There’s nothing wrong with spending time analyzing and rewriting your copy, but too few copywriters spend as much time researching as they do writing, and that’s a mistake. Researching what you want to write is a critical part of the process, and frankly, it’s the part of the process that gets overlooked the most. 

There are two big pitfalls of not researching correctly. The first is writing on the wrong topic. Maybe you narrowed in on a niche topic, one that you think is perfect for your content strategy goals. However, maybe there’s a related content topic that you’re eschewing for this topic, one that has two or three times the search volume of the title you went with. That’s the first issue we typically see with the research stage of copywriting. 

The second most common mistake is focusing on the wrong set of keywords. Maybe you went with a reflexive instinct and defaulted to targeting a set of keywords without adequately understanding the search volume and competition associated with each keyword. Perhaps you are bound by the list of keywords supplied by a client, marketing team, or other third-party stakeholders. Maybe you just messed up and found that there are better keywords to write your content around than the ones you chose. 

Regardless of how you got here, you must get out. Focus on strictly regimenting your writing process into set phases. Ideally, you should spend about a third of your time researching what you want to write about, why you need to write on this topic, and what keywords to include. If you can’t make a third of the process research, aim for at least a quarter of your time. It may feel weird at first, but remember that this painstaking writing process isn’t to make you less productive; it’s to make your writing more impactful. 

Forgetting The Reader’s Main Concern

You can write the best copy in the world, meticulously research every aspect of your topic, and religiously optimize your keywords, but you still could make one fatal error. Don’t forget to answer your target audience’s question succinctly and authoritatively. It’s easy to treat your digital content as if you’re in a creative writing class, and that’s a mistake. Remember, the main point of digital content is to provide some sort of value to the user, whether it’s basic information, authoritative knowledge, or insight into a complicated topic, product, or contact information.

 Don’t just write to write. Think about what you want your user to do after reading your content. This will look different from client to client and industry to industry, but do your best to place yourself in the client’s shoes. What do they want out of your content, and why should they keep reading this content? This usually means writing succinctly if the user is looking for contact information, product information, or a simple answer and writing longer, more nuanced content if they’re looking for your depth of knowledge in a field. Again, every client is different, but if you’re getting a lot of views of a piece of content, but poor results, reexamine your calls-to-action and if you’re writing your content to drive action. 

Using Jargon In Your Copy

You’re an expert in your industry, and that’s important to highlight. However, there’s a difference between displaying your expertise and using overly technical and cumbersome jargon in your copy. This will strangle your copy’s effectiveness. Terms that are commonplace and easily understood in your field may as well be ancient Greek to your prospective customer. Take it from us! Digital marketing is our jam, but we’ve learned that we can never assume that our readers know what SEO, PPC, UI/UX, landing pages, and HTML are when writing! 

Apply that to your field of expertise! If you’re a family law practice, you shouldn’t use legal terms like ab initio and pendente lite in your copy without defining them for the reader. Write for the level of knowledge of your potential customers when describing anything related to a product or service, even if that means using simpler terms sometimes.

This also applies to the content titles you plan. If you’re a nephrologist in Denver, you might think about creating blog titles like “Best Nephrologists in Denver” or “Tips For Choosing a Nephrologist.” However, your readers with more limited medical knowledge are probably not using official medical titles when searching. They’re probably searching “best kidney doctor in Denver” and you need to center your titles around those keywords accordingly. This might be a difficult adjustment, but trust us when we say that your readers and your website will thank you in the long run. 

 Remember, assume your reader has limited knowledge on the topic at hand and write your copy accordingly. It will create a more enjoyable reading experience for your user, help your site rank on Google, and drive better results for your business! 

Improve Your Copywriting Process With JSL Marketing & Web Design

Are you looking for more substantive content marketing and copywriting process improvement? Consult with JSL Marketing & Web Design for a FREE content consultation. Our copywriters will review all the following with you…

  • Calls-To-Action
  • Tone Of Voice
  • Branding
  • Linking Strategy
  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Value Propositions
  • And More!

Ready To Improve Your Copywriting? Consult the Experts at JSL Marketing & Web Design by Filling Out The Contact Form Below, And We’ll Be In Touch!

Stop Believing These 7 SEO Myths

Search engine optimization or SEO is a relatively recent digital marketing strategy, but that hasn’t stopped the proliferation of some incorrect SEO myths!

SEO is a difficult discipline to work in, so it’s understandable that there are a lot of myths swirling about the digital marketing ecosystem. However, that doesn’t make them any less harmful. 

If left uncorrected, these false beliefs could drastically impact your digital marketing performance and unfortunately, too many small business owners believe them.

Luckily, the SEO experts at JSL Marketing & Web Design are here to set the record straight and dispel the most common SEO myths for the good of your marketing.

Read On To Learn More About SEO Myths!

Common SEO Myths

Myth 1: Keyword Stuffing Is Fine

In the early days of the internet, every SEO expert tried to include every possible variation of the targeted keywords in the content they created. (i.e. “Come here for the best doctor, doctors, ophthalmologist, eye doctor, and eye doctors in town.”) Google has since gotten wiser and is now smart enough to know what your topic is about.

This means there’s no need to include forty different versions of the same five keywords. The number of times a keyword is used may have some impact on SEO, since it helps Google understand what the page is about, but it isn’t about just placing it everywhere as many times as possible.

Instead, be sure to balance your keyword usage against the needs of your user. It’s extremely annoying to search for a doctor in your area and read a piece of content that uses the word “doctor” in every sentence. A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself if you’re using the keywords you’re targeting more than you would use them in a conversation with the user. You wouldn’t say “Come here for the best doctor, doctors, ophthalmologist, eye doctor, and eye doctors in town” in a conversation with your friend, right? Of course not!

If you’re using the keywords ad nauseum, you aren’t getting any SEO boost and likely annoying your readers instead. Find the right balance of keywords without frustrating your readers. Trust us, it will make your copy read better and improve your SEO. 

Myth 2: Content Length Is The Most Important Factor

Any good search engine optimization specialist knows how to use a scraping tool to research semantically related keywords, competition, and content length. However, don’t think that writing your content to a certain length is a magic fix.

Of course, length can help, but it is not as impactful as the quality of the content, the type of backlinks, the web design on the page, and the meta description of the page. 

Answering the user’s question and demonstrating to Google that your website is a high-quality source of information will always trump the length of your content. Prioritize creating amazing content that answers the question over a magic number of characters. The SEO boost you receive for creating amazing content will always be greater than hitting a specific length. 

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Myth 3:  Paid Advertising is the Magic Ticket

Advertising on Google Ads is a great marketing decision. However, it does not DIRECTLY impact your SEO performance.

Driving visitors to your website via Google Ads may improve your SEO, since you’re getting more traffic than you would have without the paid campaigns. However, Google does not prioritize sites that have paid ad campaigns with them over sites that have not. 

There are ways to compliment your SEO with web design and paid ad campaigns that will drive better results than if you hadn’t blended the three. Still, this is very different from getting an SEO boost just from advertising on Google Ads.

A lot of business owners think of Google Ads as a shortcut to bypass investing in SEO marketing. It is true that you pay to get to the top of Google with paid campaigns, but you’ll still show as a paid ad, which often dissuades certain users.

Ideally, you should be using both paid advertising and organic SEO to reach new customers. Paid advertising is a great way to see a quick impact and reach certain users, but it does come with a cost, a cost that some small businesses can’t keep up indefinitely.

SEO, in contrast, is a cheaper way to reach new customers, but it does take time to see results and leaves you at the whims of sudden algorithm updates from Google. That’s why we recommend using both paid and nonpaid options to keep your search engine marketing where it needs to be.  

Myth 4: Backlinks Will Solve All Your Problems

Backlinks are an important part of SEO – do not mistake us on that point. Still, too many SEOs have started to focus on “gaming” Google by finding the right type of backlinks, at the expense of their content.

Good backlinking is important, but it’s not more important than writing quality content and making a good user experience. Having a guest blog series is a great way to build backlinks, but don’t think that slapping together some shoddily-written sentences just for link-building is a good use of your time and effort. Again, a high-quality guest blog post with quality backlinks may in fact be worth it, but a poor-quality post never is. 

You also could be risking a penalty from Google if you undertake unscrupulous action to get links. You’ll need to focus on climbing in search results the old-fashioned way and write content for your reader, not the search engines. 

Myth 5: Social Media Doesn’t Impact SEO

This myth has its kernel of truth. Social media marketing probably won’t salvage your SEO or ability to rank in organic search results. If your website isn’t ranking, then improving your social media presence just isn’t the most impactful action you can take.

It’s important to know that your social media is still a ranking factor in the eyes of Google, since it helps Google gauge how popular your brand is via shares and social traffic. These social signals demonstrate to Google that your content and brand are reputable and worth ranking.

A good social media strategy won’t produce SEO miracles, but it will help improve your overall performance.

Myth 5: Domain Age is An Important Ranking Factor 

This makes sense at first glance. After all, it can take time for a site to climb in the rankings, so it seems intuitive that domain age is an important ranking factor.

However, Google has explicitly stated that domain age is not a ranking factor! You won’t get any preferential treatment in search results just for having a domain for a certain amount of time!

Your page rankings will be much more impacted by other factors than domain age and you should focus your efforts there. Contact our SEOs for a tailored recommendation. 

Myth 6: Duplicate Content Will Kill Your SEO 

This is a truism with some staying power and it’s because there’s a kernel of truth in it.

Duplicate content does not technically result in SEO penalties from any search engine USUALLY. If a site or page is removed from search results, it’s usually because the offender is purposefully copying other distinct sites.

However, duplicate content will usually not cause a severe SEO penalty. That doesn’t mean that it’s a best practice to keep duplicate content on your site and we’re happy to discuss options to improve your site’s indexing and categorization. 

Myth 7: Certain Agencies Get You Priority Ranking With Google

This isn’t just a myth, it’s a complete lie and frankly, it’s a lie that’s told to sell SEO services to unsuspecting small business owners.

Google has actually had to address this SEO myth directly since it’s become so common. Don’t fall for any salesperson that claims their agency has priority ranking with any search engine. It’s merely a sales tactic and a dishonest one at that. 

Correct Your SEO With JSL Marketing & Web Design

If you need help to get to the top of Google search results, you’ve come to the right place! The SEO experts at JSL Marketing & Web Design are standing by to talk through your unique SEO needs!

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